All posts by hardcoreadv

Everything You Need to Know About Tornado Classifications

Tornadoes are violent, rotating columns of air that form when warm, humid air collides with cold, dry air. When cold air is pushed over warm air, it usually produces a thunderstorm. The warm air will then rise and create an updraft, which will rotate if winds very in speed or direction.

These weather events can happen at any time of the year; however, they are more common in early spring for states near the Gulf of Mexico and found in the summer for northern states. Tornadoes can move both slow and fast, but because of the destruction they cause to the equipment around them, it’s difficult to accurately determine how strong each tornado is. So how do meteorologists classify them?

Tornadoes are classified into three groups based on their wind speeds:

  • Weak | (EFO, EF1) These tornadoes are classified as having wind speeds of 65 to 110 miles per hour.
  • Strong | (EF2, EF3) These tornadoes are classified as having wind speeds of 111 to 165 miles per hour.
  • Violent | (EF4, EF5) These tornadoes are classified as having wind speeds of 166 to 200 miles per hour.

As stated earlier, because it’s nearly impossible to determine the true wind speeds of tornadoes, there’s a bit of work that goes into classifying them. When using the EF-Scale, the 28 Damage Indicators and Degree of Damage must be taken into account. Because of how unpredictable tornadoes can be, it’s best to be prepared in advance, always. Especially in season. When you have to bunker down, having our Cyalume Light Sticks on hand will be beneficial to you and your family if you find yourself in the dark.

Remember, if you are in a tornado prone area or find yourself facing one of these intense storms, seek shelter immediately. If you’re looking for an emergency bag you can trust in the event of an unexpected storm, Sustain Supply Co. has three for you to choose from so that you can always be prepared.

The Most Important Safety Procedures to Follow During an Emergency

Emergencies can happen in an instant; you may not always have time to prepare, so knowing what to do before an emergency occurs is your best chance at staying safe. Being able to follow safety procedures can mean the difference between life or death.

  • Know Your Way Out | If you’re in a building during an emergency, find the exit nearest to you and know your alternative exits.
  • Stay Calm | Try to avoid panicking during an emergency as you’ll need to remain calm to be able to follow instructions.
  • Know When to Call 9-11 | Calling emergency officials when there is no emergency present can lead to delay in helping others who are in need. Avoid using the phone unless there is a fire, a crime, or a life in imminent danger.
  • Know What Fire Extinguisher to Use | Did you know there is more than one type of fire extinguisher? There are water, dry chemical, wet chemical, and CO2 Ensure you know the correct one to use in the event of an emergency.
  • Have Emergency Lighting Near | You’ll want to have emergency lighting near in case you find yourself without electricity. At Cyalume, we have plenty of safety lighting solutions for you to choose from.

It’s also worth mentioning that if you find yourself in a building, you shouldn’t use the elevators. Evacuate through your nearest fire escape and/or stairs. Being able to identify emergency exits, first aid supplies, and fire extinguishers can help you prohibit an already stressful situation from becoming worse.

How You Can Prepare Your Home Before a Winter Ice Storm

How You Can Prepare Your Home Before a Winter Ice Storm

Winter storms are going to come and go each and every year, so the best way to face them is to be prepared beforehand. This season, the team at Cyalume wants to help you be prepared before, during, and after a winter ice storm. Here are the steps you should take prior to an emergency situation to keep you and your family safe.

  • Put together your emergency preparedness kit early. Whether you pack your own or use our Sustain Supply Co. Emergency Bag, you’ll want to have enough water, food, and tools to keep you and your family safe for at least three days. Be sure to pack our Cyalume Light Sticks in case the power goes out! Your kit should include batteries, important documents, and emergency blankets, too.
  • If you have pets, make sure you bring them indoors. Purchase any and all essentials both you and they will need to stay inside until the storm is over.
  • Ensure your home is properly insulated and look into emergency heating equipment. If you have a fireplace, stocking up on wood or coal beforehand can keep you warm if your electricity goes out.
  • Have an escape route ready in case you and your family need to evacuate your home. Know your routes and destinations beforehand and pinpoint the closest emergency shelter in your area.

Safe with Cyalume: 3 Reasons to Keep Our Products in Your Home

Safe with Cyalume: 3 Reasons to Keep Our Products in Your Home

At Cyalume, we’re proud to produce the world’s most trusted lighting solutions.

Your safety will always be our biggest priority. Emergency scenarios can happen without advanced warning, so it’s best to keep a supply stock in your home so that you’re prepared for whatever comes your way. Here are 4 reasons you should always have Cyalume products in your home.

  • Non-flammable: If you find yourself in the dark, without access to electricity, our light sticks are the perfect solution for your family and home versus a candle. It’s estimated that candles cause 29 house fires per day across the United States, making light sticks a safer choice for you and your family.
  • Unopened, they last for years: One of the most advantageous features of our light sticks is their shelf life, lasting years if not opened. Buying our products now can help save your life in the future.
  • Perfect for children: For parents, we understand the added stress emergencies can have on both you and your children. Keep track of your family with our lighting products by attaching them to belt loops or around the neck. You’ll be able to locate your family easier than if you were using flashlights. Our colorful products will also keep young children occupied!

How Wildfires Affect the Environment

How Wildfires Affect the Environment

It’s impossible to not acknowledge the recent wildfires that have ravaged Australia’s forests. Since July, at least 28 people have died and over 3,000 homes have been damaged. The country is experiencing one of its worst droughts in the last decade, making this season even more dangerous than average.

Globally, the air is warmer than in the past, drawing moisture from the environment and debilitating trees, causing them to be at higher risk of fire. This not only has an effect on humans but on the animal species that are part of the ecosystems affected. Currently, some of the species of animals that have been majorly affected by the Australian fires are:

  • Koalas | These animals move slowly, only able to escape danger by climbing high into eucalyptus trees where they make their homes.
  • Red Kangaroos |These animals are able to escape fires quickly, however, they have a difficult time getting over fencing or other large obstacles.
  • Wombats | Wombats create underground burrows and are great for hiding from flames and heat, but many other animals force this species to flee by seeking shelter in their homes during fires.
  • Gray-headed Flying Fox Bats | These animals are not able to survive the extreme heat, resulting in over 4,000 deaths this season.
  • Brushtail Possums | These animals have survived in the past by seeking shelter in tree hollows, however, as more trees are destroyed each year, they may not have a way to continue protecting themselves in the future.
  • Wallabies | Many wallaby species are having a difficult time finding food in fire zones, causing officials to have to step in to provide food.

Scientists are unsure of the effect a lack of interaction between species can have on an ecosystem until it’s too late. Forest fires also increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, which impacts climate change. The chemicals used during firefighting can also have harsh effects on soil, causing lasting damage for years.

How Important is Emergency Preparedness

How Important is Emergency Preparedness

Unfortunately, even with the technology available to us today, disasters and emergencies can strike without warning. Because of the nature of these events, it’s important to always have advanced preparations made to ensure your family’s safety. But how important is emergency preparedness?

We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for an emergency scenario or natural disaster. The first item you’ll want to consider is this: what do you and your family need to survive on your own for at least 72 hours. Perhaps you have medical conditions you need to account for or even an older pet. If so, you’ll be planning differently than those around you who don’t have to take these things into consideration.

If you don’t have an emergency preparedness plan or kit on the ready, you may find that you’re putting your life in danger. Tornadoes, earthquakes, and fires can happen without warning, leaving you and your family little time to escape without injury. If you’re looking for an emergency kit you can trust, Sustain Supply Co. has a bag for all family sizes. Everything you need to survive the unexpected comes packed for you. These kits also come stocked with our very own Cyalume SnapLights.

If you’re looking to build your own emergency pack, FEMA has a checklist of the essential items you need to stay safe.

Protect yourself and your family in the future by preparing for an emergency or natural disaster now.

Emergency Preparedness: 4 Considerations for Older Adults

Emergency Preparedness: 4 Considerations for Older Adults

There are many challenges one may face during an emergency situation, especially if you are an older adult. You have to consider that what you need to include in your emergency kit may be different than what others have in theirs. Maybe you deal with more serious health concerns, or perhaps you have an in-home caregiver who you need to coordinate with. Whatever the case may be, we are here to provide you with 4 things to consider for your emergency preparedness plan if you’re an older adult.

1. Choose a Contact Person | Older adults may have to consider medical conditions during a storm or emergency event, which is why it’s best to have a contact person who can reach out to you to check-in on your health and safety when possible. Discuss how you’ll communicate between each other, whether it’s through text, phone calls, or emails.

2. Pay Attention to Your Medical Prescriptions and Supplies | Do you have hearing aids? Don’t forget to have backup batteries in your emergency kit. Wear glasses? Keep an extra pair on hand in case you lose your current pair. If you use syringes, keep a backup supply at the ready. Write down all of the medications you take and when you take them.

3. Invest in a Medical ID Bracelet | We understand it may be uncomfortable to be an older adult facing an emergency situation, but if you or a family member have health issues then it may be best to consider ordering an ID bracelet. Medical conditions can be listed on the surface so that, if you are separated from your loved one, they will still be seen and given the care they need without worry.

4. Review, Review, Review | An emergency plan only works if you put in the work. Every six months review your supplies. This includes your prescriptions, your evacuation drills and routes, and your communication strategy. This way, you’ll be prepared on a consistent basis.

How to Be Prepared After a Winter Storm

How to Be Prepared After a Winter Storm

This winter, we’ve discussed what you and your family can do before and during a winter ice storm to keep safe but knowing how to be prepared after an emergency situation can be the difference between life or death.

The first thing we know you’ll want to do after a winter ice storm is assess your surroundings. Perhaps you have family or friends that you’ll be tempted to check on, however, at Cyalume we urge you to stay indoors and only drive if absolutely necessary. If you do need to drive, be careful to remove snow and ice from your tailpipe so you’re not at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning. Remove all ice and snow from your windows before driving, and make sure you check the roads before you find yourself stuck in a dangerous situation.

As mentioned above, we encourage you to not leave your home until your local officials contact you. With that being said, you’ll want to stay as warm as possible in your home. Make sure you have the correct heating supplies and emergency blankets. Wear hats, gloves, and warm coats. You may feel tempted to shovel or clear snow in your driveway but doing so could lead to overexertion as well as put you in higher risk for hypothermia.

We understand that winter storms can be both frightening and inconvenient, but being prepared before, during, and after can help reduce stress for both you and your family. We hope this series helps you this season!

Four Tips During a Winter Power Outage

Four Tips During a Winter Power Outage

The winter season can bring intense weather patterns and ice storms to many parts of the United States. It’s important to be prepared for any situation, including a winter power outage. It’s never comfortable when the electricity goes out, but it can be especially dangerous during freezing temperatures. So, how do you stay safe? From the team at Cyalume, here are four tips for what you can do during a winter power outage.

1. Grab Your Cyalume Light Sticks | It’s important to have emergency lighting solutions in your home for any situation. During a winter power outage, you may need to move around in the dark. Having our light sticks available to can aid in reducing stress as candles can be dangerous to keep lit and you may have run out of batteries for your flashlight. Our light sticks come in an assortment of colors and last up to 12 hours.

2. Stay Warm | Having emergency lighting is important, but what is more important is staying warm when the temperature begins to drop in your home after a power outage. It’s best to keep your doors shut and block any drafts that may be finding their way in.

3. Prevent Frozen Pipes | Prevent an expensive and inconvenient maintenance disaster from happening by allowing your faucets to drip when you’re in the middle of a winter power outage.

4. Be Aware of the Danger of Carbon Monoxide | Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious threat during a winter power outage. If you have a generator, make sure it’s away from doors and vents as you won’t want to allow carbon monoxide to flow into your home.

4 Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed in Your Car

4 Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed in Your Car

We always talk about being prepared at home when disaster strikes but it’s just as important to recognize that roadside emergencies can happen spontaneously without warning. To understand if you’re adequately prepared for an emergency roadside situation, you must ask yourself if you can spend the night in your car safely.

Whether you find yourself with a flat tire or a dead battery, here are the top 4 tools you didn’t know you needed in your car:

1. Food & Water | It seems obvious that you’d need food and water if you find yourself stranded in your car, however, you’d be surprised how many people don’t keep an emergency stock available for themselves. Think about it, do you have a can opener and non-perishable cans in in yours right now? Try to keep at least a three-day supply of food and water in your car for emergency situations.


2. Flashlight | If you find yourself stranded in your car at night, would you feel safe walking three, five, ten miles in the dark? The good news is most cell phones are equipped with a flashlight; however, you’ll still want to have a battery-operated flashlight in your car. Usually it’ll have more power than your cell phone and you’ll be able to save the battery on your phone for phone calls or utilizing your GPS. Cyalume light sticks are a great option when you need a high quality light in tough situations.


3. Survival Blanket | If you find yourself stuck in bad weather and unable to leave your car or you don’t want to try to find help until daylight, you won’t regret having a survival blanket in your car to keep your body temperature stabilized.


4. Seat Belt Cutter | Not only can a seat belt cutter help you free yourself, it can also act as a window breaker. If you get into an accident and need to escape wreckage, having this essential tool in your car can easily be what saves your life. Keep one easily accessible on the driver’s side for convenience.