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Emergency Preparedness: 4 Considerations for Older Adults

Emergency Preparedness: 4 Considerations for Older Adults

There are many challenges one may face during an emergency situation, especially if you are an older adult. You have to consider that what you need to include in your emergency kit may be different than what others have in theirs. Maybe you deal with more serious health concerns, or perhaps you have an in-home caregiver who you need to coordinate with. Whatever the case may be, we are here to provide you with 4 things to consider for your emergency preparedness plan if you’re an older adult.

1. Choose a Contact Person | Older adults may have to consider medical conditions during a storm or emergency event, which is why it’s best to have a contact person who can reach out to you to check-in on your health and safety when possible. Discuss how you’ll communicate between each other, whether it’s through text, phone calls, or emails.

2. Pay Attention to Your Medical Prescriptions and Supplies | Do you have hearing aids? Don’t forget to have backup batteries in your emergency kit. Wear glasses? Keep an extra pair on hand in case you lose your current pair. If you use syringes, keep a backup supply at the ready. Write down all of the medications you take and when you take them.

3. Invest in a Medical ID Bracelet | We understand it may be uncomfortable to be an older adult facing an emergency situation, but if you or a family member have health issues then it may be best to consider ordering an ID bracelet. Medical conditions can be listed on the surface so that, if you are separated from your loved one, they will still be seen and given the care they need without worry.

4. Review, Review, Review | An emergency plan only works if you put in the work. Every six months review your supplies. This includes your prescriptions, your evacuation drills and routes, and your communication strategy. This way, you’ll be prepared on a consistent basis.

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