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The Best Place to Store Emergency Supplies

Having emergency supplies is important but it’s just as important to know where to store them. Before throwing your supplies on one area, consider each emergency situation and then decide where you plan to keep everything.

Different disasters call for different supplies and safety areas. You’ll want to avoid storing your supplies out of reach since finding a ladder or stool during a storm or disaster, especially if your electricity goes out, may prove difficult. You also won’t want to store your supplies under anything heavy as it may not be easy to grab them in a moment’s notice.

Consider where the safest spot in your house or apartment may be. Is it your basement, your bathroom, or maybe even a supply closet under the stairs? Perhaps you don’t have a safe place located in your home and have decided you must leave when disaster strikes. Place your supplies along your escape route so that backtracking isn’t necessary. If you don’t plan to leave your home, keep your supplies stored in weather protected containers.

It’s also important to consider where you spend most of your time when you’re looking for where to store your supplies. If you find yourself in your car or at work more often than at home, it may be best to keep an emergency kit in those areas instead.

Remember, it doesn’t matter where you store your disaster kit as long as it’s easily accessible during a storm. From all of us at Cyalume, be safe in and out of your home!

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