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Don’t wait for a natural disaster to strike. Get prepared now so you and your family are composed and ready for the moment disaster strikes.
• Store plenty of nonperishable food and water. The last thing you want is to be hungry and dehydrated in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Perishable food can start to spoil within two hours, so store at least three days’ worth of food and water.
• Have cash on hand. If the power goes out in your house, there’s a good chance the surrounding area may be without electricity as well. Make sure you have cash on hand, preferably small bills, in case you are unable to use your credit cards or access an open ATM. It’s important you have the ability to purchase items you may need in the days following a natural disaster.
• Have an emergency contact set up who is not in your location. In the unforeseen circumstance that a natural disaster leaves your area devastated, it’s vital that you have an emergency contact located outside of your location. This way you can have more awareness than what’s happening locally.
• Make a disaster plan ahead of time. We understand not every natural disaster can be planned for ahead of time. The questions is, what do you do when disaster strikes while you’re at work or your kids are at school? Have a disaster plan ready ahead of time, letting your family know how you will act when disaster strikes. Make sure you remember everyone in the family. Your pets need food, water, and supplies as well!
• Have a fully stocked first aid kit. Make sure you look over your current first aid kit and properly restock and supply in case of an emergency. Do your best to make sure you can take care of your family and yourself in the event that local authorities and proper healthcare is unavailable.
These crucial steps can make a difference when a natural disaster strikes. Be ahead of the curve and get prepared now.